
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

happy or not??

most of my fren said that this week is the tiring week.. that's true.. last minute assignment, presentation, test.. these things make me feel stress till i've got headache!! but, today, act just now, someone was calling me.. guess who?? hehe.. someone that i missed (maybe).. i just donno.. when he called me, i felt like my headache was gone!! hahah.. wat to do.. he always bz.. last time i called him, he was in sarawak.. tomorrow, he going to langkawi.. wat a pity me.. huuu...

now, i have to focus on memorizing my bel presentation and tomorrow's test.. till then!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


peh, lebat gile hujan petang ni.. memang la aku tido tak ingat kan tadi.. huhu.. sedap gile tido.. padahal banyak lagi keje tak siap, leh plak tido tak ingat donia.. hahah.. sebut pasal hujan, teringat tak siram pokok lagi!! hahaha.. sat na!!

hehe.. aku ada dapat pokok masa dinner ritu.. tak penah2 orang bagi pokok masa dinner kan?? kecik je pokok tu.. pokok keladi je pun.. semalam mak aku pesan suh jaga pokok tu bebaik. hehe.. aku ni dah le tangan panas. tak penah jaga pokok. tu pasal la mak aku suh jaga pokok tu bebaik agaknye.. hehe..
erm.. malam ni kene wat keje RM plak.. bila keje dalam group ni, kene la consider orang lain punye timing plak.. dah janji ritu nak wat malam ni, last2 kate ada keje len plak.. kene la tunggu dulu... tapi takpe la.. aku nak wat bel dulu la kang..

k la, till next time..